Truck Driver shortage

Navigating the Lanes: Understanding the Truck Driver Shortage in the US

Imagine roads without trucks and ports where vans (instead of trucks) haul the cargo. Difficult, right? This, however, may not be far from happening, as truck drivers are becoming scarce in the United States. In the vast expanse of America’s highways, where goods traverse from coast to coast, a looming challenge garners attention: truck driver […]

Truck Driver Protection

The State of Driver Legal Protection in the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry is the backbone of commerce, facilitating the movement of goods across vast distances and sustaining economies worldwide. However, amid its vital role, concerns persist regarding driver safety. The alarming statistics from 2021 – the latest data – underscore the urgency of addressing truck drivers’ rights within the industry. With 523,796 large truck […]

Prevent road accident for truckers

Safeguarding the Road: A Guide for Truck Drivers to Prevent Accidents

The trucking industry has seen steady growth as the e-commerce industry flourishes. Truck drivers are crucial in transporting goods from the first link to the last of the logistic chain. However, the nature of their job exposes them to various risks, with accidents being a major concern. This blog will explore the practical tips and […]

trucking company negligence for truck driver injuries

Negligence in Trucking Companies Leading to Driver Injuries and Fatalities

Trucking is a vital industry that keeps our economy moving, with countless goods delivered to their destinations daily. Behind the wheels of these massive vehicles are the unsung heroes of the road – truck drivers. Unfortunately, trucking companies can sometimes be negligent, resulting in injuries or even fatalities for these drivers. This negligence can impact […]

semi trucks and rail yard collisions

A Closer Look At Semi-Truck Accidents At Railroad Crossings

In Springfield, Ohio, a Norfolk Southern train derailed, causing 28 cars to go off the rails, fortunately resulting in no injuries. This incident followed a recent calamity in East Palestine, Ohio, where a hazardous materials-laden Norfolk Southern train also derailed. As derailments happen more frequently, renewed efforts to enhance safety measures on the nation’s railroads […]

Understanding Semi-Truck Accidents and Prevention

Semi-trucks were involved in 53% of fatal crashes involving large trucks, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This is a 14% increase from 2018. Semi-truck accidents can have devastating consequences, posing significant risks to drivers and other road users. Understanding the common causes behind these accidents is crucial for developing strategies to […]

hazards of truck driving

Occupational Hazards of Truck Driving: What You Need To Know

About 80% of Americans rely on truck drivers to transport daily packages. Unfortunately, the increasing demand for the trucking industry also increases the risk of injuries and death among truck drivers. 15% of truck occupants died in large truck crashes in 2020, and this was a higher percentage compared to 2009. Truck drivers are responsible for transporting and delivering […]

what it's like to be a truck driver

The Ins and Outs of Being a Truck Driver

Before the invention of the first car, people relied on horse-drawn wagons to carry people and goods from point A to point B. Back then, a long trip could take up to six months — today, the same trip would last a maximum of three days! As time passed and technology advanced, so did our […]

winter driving tips for truckers

12 Winter Driving Tips for Truck Drivers

More than 70% of the USA’s roads are in snowy regions, and 24% of weather-related vehicle accidents happen on snowy, icy, or slushy roads. Freezing temperatures and winter blizzards make road navigation a challenge, especially for truck drivers. You must stay cautious when driving and reduce the risk of an accident. Fortunately, there are many […]

poorly managed trucking companies

Truck Driver Complaints and Signs of Badly Managed Trucking Companies

In 2019, 37.9 million trucks were registered and used for business purposes, accounting for 23.9% of all trucks registered. As a result, truck drivers can take their pick from numerous quality trucking businesses. However, truck driving companies and employees often share their complaints about the industry and how business is handled. Read on to learn […]