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Semi-trucks were involved in 53% of fatal crashes involving large trucks, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This is a 14% increase from 2018.

Semi-truck accidents can have devastating consequences, posing significant risks to drivers and other road users. Understanding the common causes behind these accidents is crucial for developing strategies to prevent them.

This article explores the factors contributing to semi-truck accidents and provides essential safety measures for truck drivers to prevent injuries and fatalities. Additionally, it offers guidance on the legal recourse available in case of wrongful implication, with the support of a trusted truck driver attorney in the state of California and Washington.

Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

  1. Insufficient Space
    One leading cause of semi-truck accidents is other vehicles failing to provide adequate space for trucks on the road. Given their size and weight, semi-trucks require more time and distance to come to a safe stop. When passenger vehicles cut in front of trucks or follow too closely, they limit the truck driver’s ability to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions, leading to rear-end collisions.
  2. Carelessness
    Another significant factor contributing to semi-truck accidents is the carelessness of truck drivers, particularly incidents involving driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Impaired truck drivers have reduced reaction times, poor judgment, and compromised coordination, making them more prone to causing accidents.
  3. Truck Driver Fatigue
    Fatigue is a pervasive issue among truck drivers, often resulting from long working hours and demanding schedules. Driver fatigue diminishes alertness, impairs cognitive function, and slows reaction times, significantly increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  4. Malfunctioning Equipment
    The reliability of a semi-truck’s equipment, especially its braking system, plays a critical role in preventing accidents. Malfunctioning brakes can result in extended stopping distances or sudden brake failures, significantly endangering both the truck driver and other road users.

Truck Driver Rights advocates for the well-being of drivers facing severe injuries resulting from incidents beyond their control. From inadequate road space to driver fatigue and faulty equipment caused by other parties, we strive to offer support to truckers affected by such situations, ensuring their rights and safety are upheld in the industry.

Preventing Semi-Truck Accidents

  1. Defensive Driving
    Practicing defensive driving is essential for truck drivers to anticipate potential hazards and react appropriately. This includes maintaining a safe following distance, being aware of blind spots, and constantly scanning the road for potential risks. By staying alert and focused on the road, truck drivers can proactively avoid dangerous situations and minimize the chances of collisions.
  2. Regular Vehicle Inspections
    Performing regular vehicle inspections is crucial to identify and address any mechanical issues that could contribute to accidents. Truck drivers should conduct pre-trip inspections to check brakes, tires, lights, and other essential components. Promptly reporting any problems to the maintenance department ensures timely repairs, reducing the risk of accidents caused by malfunctioning equipment.
  3. Adequate Rest and Fatigue Management
    Drivers should prioritize getting sufficient rest and adhere to regulated hours of service. Proper sleep hygiene, consistent sleep schedules, and regular breaks during long journeys can help combat fatigue. Drivers must recognize the signs of fatigue and pull over for rest when needed to avoid compromising their alertness on the road.
  4. Avoiding Distractions
    Distractions, such as mobile phone use or eating while driving, significantly impair a driver’s focus and reaction time. Truck drivers should prioritize eliminating distractions by keeping their attention solely on the road. Utilizing hands-free devices for communication and taking breaks in designated areas for meals can help reduce distractions and maintain concentration.
  5. Seeking Legal Support

In cases where truck drivers are not at fault and sustain injuries, it is crucial to identify the responsible party, such as the trucking company or potentially the manufacturers, to seek legal action and recover damages and losses.

Understanding the legal implications and seeking appropriate legal representation is essential for truck drivers to protect their rights and navigate the legal system effectively.

Navigate Legal Challenges with the Help of a Truck Driver Attorney

Semi-truck accidents can have severe consequences, but by understanding their common causes, we can work towards preventing them. Implementing comprehensive safety and preventive measures can significantly reduce the occurrence of semi-truck accidents.

Reach out toTruck Driver Rights if you seek justice after a semi-truck accident caused by another party’s negligence. We can assist with on-the-job injuries and inadequate compensation. Our expertise includes pursuing claims under Occupational Accident Policies and holding liable third parties accountable.

Contact us today for excellent advocacy and protection.